Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Isador Cohen is a GATE Center that serves students in grades 2-6. The GATE program offers highly challenging learning opportunities that follow the Common Core State Standards in depth, breadth, and pace of instruction designed to meet the needs of advanced learners. Adaptations are made to the curriculum in order to provide an appropriate level of challenge for gifted and advanced learners with an emphasis on critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and logical reasoning.
CREST (formerly MESA)
Isador Cohen is proud to be part of the CREST (formerly called MESA) program. The CREST program is designed to help elementary students excel in math and science and become competitively eligible for academically rigorous colleges and universities. CREST students meet weekly with a teacher advisor from October to April. Our students have successfully competed in the CREST Math Competition and the Elementary CREST Day Competition. This program is open to students in grades 1 – 6.
Parent Teacher Home Visit Project
Isador Cohen is a participant in the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project. This project works on the belief that when educators and families are collaborating together as equal, trusting partners, students succeed. Teachers reach out to parents to establish positive relationships outside of school by visiting homes, with permission.
Student Support Center
The Student Support Center promotes learning by supporting the health and well-being of all students. A variety of mental health and social services support is available to students experiencing social or emotional difficulties that impact their health and school success. The center provides confidential services to students and their families. They are located in Room #9 and can be reached by phone at 228-5837.